Foggy Morning over St. Thomas Church in Slovenia

f/8 1/60 sec ISO 64 200 mm
Nikon D850 with Sigma 70-200 f/2.8

© Raj Gupta Photography 2020

We had a breathtaking morning on top of a ridge overlooking these rolling hills and looking out over the mountain peaks of central Slovenia. Our guides were Luka Esenko and Marc Muench for this awesome trip. We arrive early so we could watch the sun come up and start filtering through the fog. I worked through many compositions and redid it several times due to the changing light. I love this one due to the layers. With the 200 mm focal length, I could compress the mountains in the distance with the church and hills much closer. They look like they are on top of each other but they are actually quite distant. The editing was focused on color balance, bringing back some of the cloud texture in the sky highlights and really enhancing the light hitting the hills near the church.


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